Different types of Garments Wash used in the Wet Process
In garments washing there are two processes. One is a wet
process and another is a dry process. The process which we do in the wet
condition is called the wet process. In the wet process, we use different types of
garments wash. Now we will describe them as follows:
Rinse Wash
Rinse wash is done only by water and slight detergent and
backstair. This shade is dark and not so much different from its raw denim. This
process has some problems like colorfastness to dry rubbing, wet rubbing, and
washing failure.
Garments Wash
Garments wash is a combination of rinse wash and softener
wash. At first rinse, the wash is done and then softener wash is completed. In this
wash, the color will not reduce. Generally, the garments remain almost tonally
unchanged. Garments wash also has some problems like colorfastness to dry
rubbing, wet rubbing and washing failure.
Enzyme Wash
This wash is so-called because an enzyme is used in this wash. Normally
washing means enzyme wash. After this washing, the garments become nice to look
at. According to the requirement of shade, the enzyme may be neutral or acidic. It
is one kind of laundering process that uses enzymes to clean or finish the garments
or textiles. This wash is especially done for jeans. Enzyme wash also carries
economic and environmental benefits. On an industrial scale, it has replaced
laborious laundering techniques such as stone washing.
Heavy Enzyme Stone Wash
In this type of wash enzyme and stone are used together. If
we want to avoid the damages we have to follow some precautions. In this type
of wash heavy abrasion occurs. This wash is especially done for denim. As a
result of this wash medium level of shade comes. If we use bleaching light
shade will come.
Enzyme Bleaching Wash
In this type of wash at first, we use an enzyme, and then we use
bleaching process. As a result of this wash, the light shade comes out. Chlorine and
non-chlorine bleach can be used for this wash. To reduce indigo color or other
colors bleaching is used.
Acid Wash
Acid wash is done by using Potash and Stone. At first, we
have to dip the stone in a potash solution and then slightly dry the
stone and wash it in a washing machine. As a result of acid wash, we
will get an uneven look on
Tie wash
By tie washing we will get uneven crease on garments. Tie
wash is done by tiding the garments and then washing them. We tie the garments
according to standards. Basically, for this wash, we have to do enzyme or bleach
wash. As a result of tiding the garments, the sharp edges come in contact with the
machine and the effects come out.
Rubber Ball Wash
Rubber ball wash is a garment and softener wash. In this process,
garments will be softer and at the same time seam abrasion will come. We
this wash to get a more hand feel of garments. Rubber balls are added in
the same
bath of softener or in the dryer with the garments.
Towel Bleach Wash
This wash is like an acid wash. It is one kind of an uneven wash. We
get uneven shade from this wash. At first, we cut the towel into small pieces and
dip it in the bleaching solution. After that, we take these out from the solution
and slightly dry them. Then the garments and towels are tumbled in another machine for
a certain period of time. After tumbling we have to neutral the garments properly.
Now we will see that some places of garments are discolored or changed in color
where the towel pieces touched the garments.
Pigment Wash
The wash which we do for pigment color is called pigment
wash. This wash is done to make the garments fashionable. The garments surface becomes more uneven. In
this wash, color stays on the garment's surface.
Resin Wash
In this wash, we directly use a resin that’s why it is called
resin wash. Resin is used at a specific percentage. Generally, we use this wash
when we need less hand feel and a more shine look. Resin also fixes the color
with the fabric.